In Which I Present A Business Casual Halloween Outfit


Here is a fun fact: this was supposed to be my first post on this blog back in Ye Olde Days of 2021. However, for reasons I Cannot Recall, it has been sitting inn my drafts for a year, patiently waiting to be unleashed on the world.

Since this year’s Halloween LookTM ended up being dressed to slide through the mud in order to doctor Sally Pony’s eyeball, for which I have made six two-hour round trips in the last seven days—o to be living in a barn again! (just kidding, I do not wish to keep fighting off mouse and squirrel intruders)—I have decided to Present last year’s look, which I would have worn again if I had not been, you know, sliding through mud to doctor eyeballs.

(Her eyeball is fine now.)

I used to put more attention into showing the DetailsTM of each look, so please enjoy this necklace my friend gave me in seventh grade, and this close-up of my MVP fake leather jacket.

BONUS CONTENT!!! I was also going to write a Halloween nail post, so here is the black polish I was wearing above, plus another layer added onto it for Dimension And FestivityTM. (Currently, my nails are short and bare, because I have been, as you may have heard, sliding through mud to doctor eyeballs.)


Jacket – Meijer ca. 2017 - also worn here and here

Sweater - JC Penney Worthington Tall Womens Crew Neck Long Sleeve Pullover Sweater, bought 10/2021

Pants/Belt – JC Penney, bought 2020 (altered; originally wide-leg) - also worn here

Boots – Diba ca. 2019 or 2020 - also worn here and here

Necklace - Gift


Black - Pop-arazzi in Curfew

Orange - Sally Hansen Miracle Gel in Sundown Socialite

Here’s wishing you a safe and happy Halloween with no mud, no eyeballs to doctor, and especially no mouse or squirrel intruders.

Until next time, I remain,



In Which I Wear Some Target Shirts


In Which I Share Some Summer Outfits in October